Monday, September 10, 2018

Five Years since the Flood of 2013 in Longmont

Can't believe it's been five years since the Flood of 2013 hit Longmont.  I was evacuated but luckily suffered no damage.  A few blocks over from where I lived was a different story.

Here's a video I took of Missouri Avenue on Friday morning, September 13, 2013:

For those reading this from far away, Longmont is still recovering from the flood.  The St. Vrain Greenway, for example, is still not open on portions east of Main Street.  Just a month ago, the most eastward portion to Sandstone Ranch was re-opened.

Some of my Flood-related stories, mostly from the Southmoor Park neighborhood:
My local streets were a steady parade of construction vehicles for almost two years, as the park and bridge next to me were reconstructed. 

What a lot of people will forget is that the flood could have been a lot worse along Left Hand Creek.  The City undertook a channel re-widening project two years earlier in 2011 (with federal funding), including a new box culvert and bridge at South Pratt Parkway and Missouri Avenue.  Most will agree that this work saved a lot of houses from being underwater but this is now mostly forgotten.

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