Monday, January 18, 2016

Tower of Compassion Pagoda Renovation Starts Today

The perimeter fence went up today (MLK Day 2016) marking the start of the renovation of the weathered but treasured Tower of Compassion pagoda in Kanemoto Park, Longmont.

I mentioned last week that construction activity should be winding up in Kanemoto Park but I forgot about this project which was mentioned on a sign in the park that I saw over the summer.

The pagoda is getting a new roof, among other things and the roofing contractor told me that 45 days is the estimated time of completion, weather permitting.  If you're interested in seeing details of the full project, including the new railings, repair of the base of the torii gate, and a modern LED lighting system, checkout the RFP (PDF, 6.9MB).

Readers here know that I like "before and after" pictures (and in-between ones too), so here's some more Day One pictures:

Other articles on the Tower of Compassion:

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