Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kanemoto Park Pool Is All Gone Now

The bulldozers have been working the past two weeks to  remove the flood-damaged pool at Kanemoto Park that was way beyond repair.

Here it is (enclosed by the green railing) on Thursday, September 12 when the flood waters along Lefthand Creek started rising:

A day later, the water had eroded the creek banks, the pool fence had been swept away, and the pool itself was starting to crumble.  You can see some of the exposed plumbing that's dangling:

A month later (October), after the water had receded:

Today's view:  pool all gone.  The City has announced that the pool will not re-open in 2014 but that a redesign will be completed this year. 

A pool used to be here:

 At the exact location above, from the last pool day in August 2010 when they traditionally let dogs get a chance to enjoy the water:

They'll miss this fun in 2014:

The ground where I stood taking this picture is no longer there:


dulcie said...

This is such a shame. That pool was a wonderful asset! Between this and the bike paths, we really lost a lot as a city.

Peter said...

Yes Dulcie, I agree. I had initially heard over the fall that the pool would re-open by May 2014. I'm sorry this won't happen but at least the City has plans to bring it back. I really miss the Greenway, too.

G.E. said...

Wow! I don't frequently ride through the neighborhood where Kanemoto Park/Pool used to stand, but that is amazing to see. I'm glad that there are plans to get it back at some point in the future though. It's amazing the damage the flooding did all over the city and surrounding areas.

brodflightcrew said...

The city is now surveying people about the pool re-design. You can find the link here: