With apologies to the name of the Bob Seger tune, some ramblings from a rainy Main Street on Saturday.

First, at 412 Main, you may have seen the article in Sunday's Times-Call about the discovery and restoration of some antique glass panels that have been covered up above the Longmont Vision Center since the 1950s.

In the first decade of the 1900's, the Lemke Brothers operated a grocery store at this location. They moved out in September of 1910 to 421 Main, across the street.

John Reinert's clothing store business moved in immediately after, on September 10, 1910. The Reinert family operated a few other clothing stores in the area, including one in Boulder. Twelve years later at 412 Main, the front that you see today was built. So wrote the Longmont Ledger in August of 1922:
The new front which J. N. Reinert is putting in his clothing store at 412 Main street [sic] is a wonderful improvement and the store will be one of the most attractive in the city.The tiles at at the front entrance were installed by George Walkey of the Denver Mantle and Tile Company.
The entrance has been indented about twenty-five feet and handsome show windows along the sides with nice floors will make a very fine appearance.

The next data I have about 412 Main is from 1935 where it was Lynch and Holt Clothiers, with their slogan being "Trade With The Boys".
Finally, across the street at 379 Main, it looks like a much-needed new Cafe is opening up downtown, at the former City Newstand location! Best of luck to the Sun Rose Cafe!

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