Sunday, April 5, 2015

Butterball Plant Update #2

Longmont's Butterball plant under demolition made some news this week as the final portion along Main Street is about to go down.  A quote from Mayor Dennis Coombs via an April 2 Times-Call article by Karen Antonacci:
"This is a change of an era," he said. "This is our history, and now it's being demolished, and something wonderful is going to be built here. ... I think once this project is done, it could transform the whole south end of downtown Longmont."
It's been two months since my last update so it's time to see what's changed.

February vs. April difference from 1st and Main:

February 8, 2015

April 5 (Easter), 2015

Along Main, you can see the factory wall propped up:

The view from Second Avenue, on the north side of the plant:

And from Second and Main where things still look somewhat normal:

The train station has thankfully lost the wall behind it.   February vs. April:

February 8, 2015

April 5, 2015 (Easter)

Just east of the factory in one of the outlying Butterball buildings, I believe this is where a new brewery (Wibby) is going at 209 Emery:

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