Tuesday, May 28, 2013

10th Year for Longmont Bike Night

Longmont Bike Night #2 of 2013 on May 22, as it enters its tenth year!  Although I haven't been a regular the last year or two, I've attended each year and still remember the original flyer in the window of the old High Gear bike store that advertised the first ride.

Friendly volunteers like these have been with Bike Night the last few years, patrolling the intersections and stopping cars as the riders go by.

Remembering the lean years when perhaps only a handful of riders would turn out, it's routine now to get 200 or more participants each Wednesday.  Ryan, the organizer, had a great idea and stuck to it.

Opening night of the 2010 Bike Night season is here.

One thing that has remained the same over the ten years:  the ride starts at 6:30 PM on Wednesdays, at the Longmont Senior Center.  C'mon out!

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