Let's go back to Halloween in Longmont 89 years ago.
On Friday, November 4, 1921, the original Longmont Ledger ran a stern editorial about the prank damage from that week's Halloween (they called it Hallowe'en):
"For the most part it was harmless fun but when it comes to tipping small outhouses over and marking up windows with soap in an obscene manner we draw the line. That ceases to be fun."
A large plate glass window at American National Bank had a hole in it from a rock but it was not determined if it was intentionally thrown or if the stone was accidentally launched by an car wheel driving by.
The biggest cause for concern was on the school grounds of St. Joseph Academy where the swings were cut down and some hoses were destroyed when they were tied around trees. The marauders also took down the swing at the house of a Reverend J. R. Warnick. A $25 reward was offered for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.
The St. Joseph Academy was operated by the Catholic Church and was located at 546 Atwood. The building still stands today.
The Ledger closed out the editorial with a plea to adult leadership:
There should be a course of education given to the children to show them the difference between fun and lawlessness, sport and the destruction of property. If our school teachers, scout masters, and other leaders could show the difference to the young people it might help.
Timeless words, no doubt. Guard your outhouses this week!
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