Sunday, November 17, 2013

Last Trip of the Year

Yet another not-Longmont-related posting but I think I'm done traveling for the year.  

One more visit to north Florida, the land of spanish moss, Live Oak trees hundreds of years old, and mysterious dark rivers.

Headwaters of the Wacissa River, often mentioned as one of the last places in the USA that the presumed-extinct ivory billed woodpecker lived before loggers removed their habitat:

A pine snake crosses the road at the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge:

Gulf of Mexico:

I think I caught the last stragglers in the annual Monarch butterfly migration, on their way from the USA east coast to Mexico:

Old Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, which has been nicely preserved as a musuem:

The "new" Capitol Building, 22-stories high, although it just turned 40 years old:

Lake Ella in Tallahassee:

The previous holiday-style cottages around the lake have all been converted to small businesses and coffee shops.  Of course, I was interested in Joe's Bicycle Shop:

I was thinking that these Schwinn Sting Rays would be gobbled up quickly in bike-crazy cities like Portland, Denver, and Seattle:

Florida State University Homecoming Parade, in some light drizzle:

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