Sunday, October 20, 2013

Au Revoir Twin Peaks Mall

It's probably been eight years since I was last inside Longmont's Twin Peaks Mall.  It's scheduled to be bulldozed soon and in fact, that should have started already but some litigation has delayed the demolition by a few months.  I'll use the temporary reprieve to take one final look.

Fifteen years ago, this walkway would have been crowded, on a rainy autumn Sunday afternoon.   Not much happening today except for some movie-goers lining up:

Still a few stores open:

The Tinker Mill hackerspace.  A member told me a few weeks ago that they are looking at several options for a new home once the Mall is closed:

Mollie McGee's craft fair (33rd annual?) is using the Mall this year because their normal venue, the Boulder County Fairgrounds, is being used for flood relief efforts.  This is the old Sears store:

Back during the prime years of the Mall, the Police had a substation here but it's been closed for a long time.

The future is advertised inside the doomed building, which soon will be fenced-off and torn down.  The next time I visit these grounds, 18 months or so after the wrecking ball starts swinging, the site will have a new name. 

Au Revoir to the 28-year old Twin Peaks Mall (1985-2013).

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