Thursday, September 12, 2013

Left Hand Creek, one hour later

Wow, an hour later and I can't get close to where I was.  The creek has overflowed onto Missouri Avenue, now known as the Missouri River.  Evacuation notices are up for the neighborhood, via reverse 911 calls.

Water starts to hit the bottom of the bridge I walked over, earlier this morning.


  1. I think this is Left Hand Creek, not the St. Vrain.

  2. Whoops, updated! Thanks for the correction, Karen.

  3. Pete... if you can get to us on the "other side," you are welcome to stay here. It seems as though the city really is split at the moment by the river. Stay safe, and seriously... it's an open invitation.

  4. Thanks G.E. for the invite! Much appreciated, I did find a place to stay a few blocks away after I was evacuated.

  5. Glad you found a safe spot, and it's been amazing to see all of your photos!
