Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cherry tree grove failure followup and pondering the Times-Call

I like the Times-Call and Scott Rochat.  And it's great that the Times-Call picked up the story today (remember that I don't link to individual TC articles anymore because their links go dead in less than a year) about the failed cherry tree grove in Kanemoto Park.  I don't own the story.  But maybe it would have been just a little fair to at least mention where the story originated.  

Those trees have been dead for months and like I said, I've seen no mention of this anywhere.  I finally got around to writing about it and emailed the city on Monday with my question about the grove failure.  Ken Wicklund did politely call me on Friday when I was out of town and left me a message with the reasons for the tree failure, much like is written in today's TC.  And, he mentioned that there would be newspaper coverage this weekend.  Perhaps just a coincidence that my article came out a week ago?

You can make the call yourself:  is it appropriate for a newspaper to use ideas from local bloggers without at least a casual attribution?

If you don't read the Times-Call, the reason the trees died was due to some vandalism and also some weather hardiness issues.  A different species of cherry tree may be considered in the spring, one that Denver has had some success with.

1 comment:

marco said...

Sorry to hear about the lack of recognition. Hopefully, they print a correction and mention where the story came from.

I usually like the local stories in the TC, though I don't so much care for the partisan politics. But I unsubscribed a few months ago when they ran a story that was actually nothing more than a thinly veiled advertisement for their "Longmont Daily Deals." It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I sent a complaint to the managing editor and never got a response.

Unfortunately, their journalistic standards seem to be a little lax sometimes. It's worth pointing out. Hopefully, they will try to improve.