Sunday, April 26, 2009

R. I. P. Downtown Longmont Parking Garage

The Times-Call editorial got it right today (Sunday, April 26): it's time to walk away from the downtown Longmont parking garage idea, and move on to something more productive. (I've stopped putting links to actual Times-Call articles because they seem go bad after a few months, making this more difficult to read in the future).

Mayor Lange has said before (and I agree) that people have no trouble parking downtown for large events, like parades and festivals.

My favorite, less capital-intensive downtown project that I've heard about: turn the Longmont Theater downtown into a multi-use facility, much like Loveland's Rialto Theater. Show movies, let local and touring musical acts play there, stage some teenage "battle of the bands" or talent shows, bring in some comedy acts, do some children's shows, hold more film festivals there, etc. Yes, the theater is for rent now but I guess the rates need to come down a little, which perhaps the LDDA can help with.


  1. Ah, but I liked the drawings! I heard however that a businessman on main street had done a study on the parking garage idea and it actually resulted in a net loss of parking spaces.
    I wonder if they will still do the traffic study.
    That is a good suggestion about the theatre. When are you running for the council?

  2. I like the idea of more housing downtown, especially for those that work there, and hope that some investment still comes in for that. I don't think, however, that it needs to be propped up by a parking garage.

    Hmmm, city council is intriguing but I'd likely be turned off by the politics!
