Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blue Sky Velo Cyclocross Race 2008 in Longmont

Much better (or worse if you're a hard-core cross fan!) weather yesterday than last week, at the Blue Sky Velo cyclocross race out at the Xilinx campus in Longmont. It was dust instead of mud, sun instead of rain, and temperatures in the mid-70's (~ 23C). And, it was announced that a record number of women participated in this event.

Olympian mountain-biker Georgia Gould from Ft. Collins takes the woman's open title. Amazingly, she also participated in at least two of the other races (category 3, men and woman's) races as well! She keeps an interesting up-to-date blog, too.

Woman's open podium:

Men's open, at one of the cambers on the course:

The leaders with a few laps to go. I was not around for the finish but I'm guessing one of these three won the race:

A rider watches as the all-important neutral pit crew changes a wheel during the race.

The familiar voice of USA cycling race announcing, Dave Towle:

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