Sunday, April 13, 2008

New bicycle bridge on the Diagonal is in place

The new bicycle bridge was put into place this weekend over Lefthand Creek on the Diagonal (SH 119) near Longmont. This bridge provides a solution to a nagging safety problem for years, where cyclists and motorists were suddenly force to share the road with little safety margin between the two. Despite the usual grumbling (not worth referencing here) from a few Times-Call readers about this project being too expensive and cycling-centric, this bridge will benefit motorists and cyclists alike with the safety improvement.

Note: the bridge is
not operational yet. June 1 is the current estimate for project completion, which includes the short diversion paths to/from the Diagonal.

The diagonal and the new bridge to the right, looking toward Longmont:

Closer looks:

The bridge appears to have been made by Big R in Greeley, in February:

The old and future way of cycling over Lefthand Creek on the Diagonal.

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