Monday, February 4, 2008

Safe! Public Works Building from 1938 to be restored into a Fire Station

Great to see the City of Longmont save the ex-Public Works Building at 11th and Terry, and convert it to a Fire Station! Built in Depression-era 1938, this will become Longmont's newest fire station, known right know as the Terry Street Station.

Other than holding a few bus shelters inside, it's mostly empty, but construction will pick up soon, starting in April. Watch this space for progress pictures as the rennovation begins. It's scheduled to be completed in the first three months of 2009.

Some links on the project:
Looking south from 11th Avenue. When renovating the front entrance below, the design shows that the architects will capture the look of the facade on the original Fire Station seven blocks away at 4th Avenue.

Looking southwest from 11th Avenue:

The sign says it all:

Great job by the architects, Moore and Bishton, Architects, PC in coming up with a design that preserves and that is loaded with "green" initiatives. And, of course, thanks to the voters of Longmont in approving the Public Safety Tax initiative that is funding this $3 million dollar effort.

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