Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Longmont skating was good in January, 1926

Longmont ice skating was natural back in the 1920s, perhaps recalling Councilwoman Mary Blue's experiences when she was raising her children in Michigan. When the lake freezes it is skating time, with a little help to keep areas properly flooded and to keep the snow off. This is contrast to conventional wisdom today that says that a skating rink cannot exist on Colorado's Front Range without artificial life support.

Sunset Park was were the action was, although you also read reports of folks skating down the frozen St. Vrain River during this time. Hmm, didn't the rocks get in the way? The lake mentioned below was used as a swimming area in the summer.

From the Longmont Ledger, January 22, 1926, with appropriate commentary about it getting rough out there sometimes:
The continued cold weather has given skaters a good season at their favorite sport. The park board has kept the snow scraped off the the ice and have flooded it occasionally in spots and the lake in general has been good.

The ice is crowded every night. There is always a game of "Pull Away" or "Tag" among the big boys which is great fun for them but makes skating difficult for the others who are not in it.

Skating is great sport and the skaters appreciate the efforts of the park board in keeping the ice in condition.

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